Grants To Support Families In Lockdown

By Maggie Owolade

May 30, 2020

News from Family Fund

On 19th May, the Department for Education announced funding of £37.3 million to Family Fund to support families who have complex needs and disabilities.

This includes £10-million of funding to provide grants for low-income families to pay for vital equipment needed to make social distancing measures more achievable, including computers and tablets, specialist equipment, outdoor play equipment, educational and sensory toys and other goods and services.

Families staying at home more than usual to shield themselves from the coronavirus, and looking after and educating critically ill or disabled children themselves, will be supported by £10m of the settlement specifically dedicated to their unique needs.

For more information including eligibility and how parents can apply for a grant, see here.

If you need help applying, you can contact Sharon Kitson at Family Action Lambeth -  Mobile: 07976 201 031 Email:

About the author

Maggie Owolade is the Director of ARCS – a charity set up by parents to support families in Lambeth. A mother of four children, all with ADHD, ASD and other neurodiversities.